Strand Displacement Cascades SIMulator

Simulator for SIMD||DNA model of computation.

Nucleotides level

It allows you to perform an accurate nucleotide simulation of the SIMD||DNA system.

GPU Acceleration

It allows to speed up the calculation by offloading to the GPU.

Terminal APP

The simulator is implemented as a simple terminal application that is easy to use.

Nucleotides level analysis

Attached Python scripts allow automating the use of the simulator for the analysis of the SIMD||DNA system at the nucleotide level. Systems can be analyzed from the point of view of time requirements or temperature resistance.

SVG output support

The state of the system can be presented using the simulator in the form of an SVG image showing the gradual development of the system over time.

Fast domain simulation

The simulator also allows you to simulate the system only at the domain level. Although such a simulation is much less accurate, it is also much faster.

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